Words related to category: Ts-S2 Hunting and trapping Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
alaaẅ club | ayaa on target accurate | ayaam ts'al deadeye | a'ya'a̱g̱a̱s good hunter | a̱naas skin | dzak'wüsk animal | dzeyeeł trap | dzeyeet trapping/trap | gidihapk catch in a trap | guguusk shoot something repeatedly | guu shoot | guuł Shoot it! | guuł haw Shoot straight! | guus shot | g̱awoot sea hunters | g̱a̱g̱eexs tracks | g̱a̱lhaba̱x deadfall trap to collapse | g̱a̱nu= trap | hagyełk spear | hakwdak bow (weapon) | haḵ'a̱laaẅ club | hapk trap | hayaamg̱ask lure | hayaamx lure | hukkwdek good hunter | huksipłoont sea otter hunter | k'wił woo go out hunting/hunter | ḵ'ankts'ool skin something | sg̱a̱nhakwdak bow | sipłoon hunt sea otter | suwiliin chase/bother/hunt | suwiliinsk hunt/trap | woo hunt on the water | xsens prop | yaamg̱a̱sk animal call used as a lure | yaamx imitate |